Building a New Legacy

Posted by Adult & Teen Challenge USA on 11th Nov 2022

Building a New Legacy

Adult & Teen Challenge is proud to announce the release of its fifth study in the Breaking Free series: PSNL 507 – Building a New Legacy. This study gives us a new look at what legacy is and what we can do to build a legacy of grace, hope, and redemption. Legacy is the total impact our lives have on others and the world around us. Everyone, no matter how young they are, has a legacy and that legacy is important.

This topic is not always easy to discuss because many of us have regrets or even feel ashamed of the legacy we’ve built up to now. But this study teaches us that matter where we have been, what we have done or what has been done to us, it is still possible to build a new legacy, free from the influence of sin and addiction. We can rise from the ashes of our past and become a blessing to others.

The study answers important questions like:

  • What is legacy?
  • What does legacy have to do with addiction?
  • What is addiction’s legacy?
  • What does a healthy legacy look like?
  • How does addiction affect our relationships?
  • What legacy is God calling me to build?
  • What are God’s unique plans and purposes for me?
  • How can I prepare to fulfill that calling?

These are important questions to ask because addiction builds its own legacy of despair, brokenness, and hopelessness. Breaking free from this legacy will require us to work through some difficult realities-especially where other people are involved. In fact, this study establishes the importance of taking responsibility for our lives and outlines the toll addiction takes on our relationships by building co-dependency, enabling behaviors, and unhealthy family roles.

This study helps people to deal with the past responsibly, freeing them to embrace new hope for the future! It challenges us to repent and make amends to others for our past actions by practicing the principles of conviction, confession, commitment, and change. Readers also learn what it looks like to build a new and eternal legacy through Christ by developing new, spiritually-sound habits

Building a healthy , God honoring legacy is the greatest blessing and joy that anyone can experience. Unlocking this blessing requires us to step away from our own self-centered plans and desires to build something much bigger than ourselves. If you’re ready to take the next step to freedom, Building a New Legacy, is the perfect study for you.

Student Feedback

“This was very interesting and something I had never considered before. It really put into perspective how selfish it is to leave a legacy of addiction because you aren't not only hurting yourself and your family but also future generations.”

“This study helped me to see that my old legacy doesn't have to be what follows me around for the rest of my life. I can leave that in my past. I can change what I was doing and have a completely new and beautiful legacy that glorifies God.”

“This study taught me that no matter what you’ve done or what you’ve been through, God can and will change the outcome and give you hope for a new legacy. It also gave me good practical ways to transition back into life with my family.”