Posted by Wendy Buttacy on 11th Nov 2022
Establishing a New Normal
Adult & Teen Challenge is proud to announce the release of its sixth and final study in the Breaking Free series: PSNL 607-Establishing a New Normal. This study shifts our focus from the process of breaking free from addiction to the reality of living free. It challenges us to plan our next steps as we launch out into the new mission and vision God provides for our lives. Even though new life in Christ is the best thing that’s happened to us, we must be honest and admit that the prospect of re-entering our daily lives can feel intimidating.
This study will help us confront our hopes, fears, and expectations regarding that future. Re-entering society, family, and community is our next step and many of us desire to return to a “normal” life. In the past, addiction created a normalcy that’s unhealthy, toxic, and often life threatening. Chaos becomes the norm. In fact, we become so used to the chaos of addiction that calm or peaceful moments can create feelings of anxiety in us.
Some of us were living in addiction for so long that we’ve forgotten what it looks like to live free. Others remember what freedom was like, but our past failures cause us to doubt our ability to stay free.
Breaking free from addiction involves a complete life transformation. This change requires us to establish a new definition of “normal” as we learn to live and invest in new life in Christ. This is exciting, beautiful, and scary. Throughout this journey we must acknowledge and accept that change is unavoidable. If we want to successfully navigate re-entry and other life transitions, we must be able to adjust and adapt to changes in life. This will require us to do more than just change our people, places, and things.
The study answers important questions like:
- What’s normal?
- What is a safety plan? Why is it important?
- How can I prepare for re-entry?
- What if I fall apart upon re-entry?
- What if I mess up?
- What if I can’t do this on my own?
The Bible teaches that there is a good, pleasing, and perfect normal for us to establish and pursue—God’s will. We need to allow God to define what our new normal should be as we re-enter day to day life. As He renews our mind, we will be able to “test and approve what God’s will is” and apply it to our life (Rom 12:2). Over time, this process of testing and application will help us overcome our fears, build hope, and set realistic expectations for our new normal.
This study will help us take the knowledge, skills, and spiritual disciplines we’ve learned throughout this Breaking Free series and develop a workable re-entry plan. A plan that will keep us focused on living free in Jesus