We live in a broken and fallen world; our brokenness extends to the depths of our emotions, our souls, and our sexuality. This small group curriculum by Tammy Webb-Witholt deals with moving from a homosexual lifestyle into a vital growing relationship with Jesus Christ. What it offers:
- Shows that the goal is not to move from homosexuality into heterosexuality; Rather, the goal of our lives as followers of Christ is to come into His holiness.
- Shows that our journey of faith in Christ, whatever the depth of our brokenness, sexual or otherwise, is not to merely stop being one thing in order to become another.
- Shows that the goal of each day is to grow toward Christ. God by the power of His Holy Spirit and the truth of His Holy Word transforms us into a new creation.
- Shows that holiness is used in the truest definition of the word holy meaning to be set apart for God.
Suggested use: Support Groups, Home Groups Cell Groups, Sunday School Classes.